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You must fully disclose if your dog is suffering from any health conditions or concerns. To ensure the comfort of your dog during grooming it is important that you tell us if your dog has any special needs, sensitivities or disabilities.
Please check with your vet if you are unsure whether your dog is well enough to be groomed.
In case of emergency or if your dog’s health causes concern, the groomer may obtain veterinary advice/treatment at your expense.

All dogs must be up-to-date with their annual vaccinations or titre tested to confirm immunity. We regret that we are unable to groom puppies until 2 weeks after their 2nd vaccinations.

Please tell us if your dog has any behavioural problems, has ever shown aggression towards people or other dogs or has bitten. Behavioural problems will not prevent us from accepting your dog for grooming however it is very important that we know as much as possible about your dog so that we can work safely and make the groom as stress free as possible for your dog.
The groomer will not be held responsible for irritation, abrasion, patchiness or coat loss due to any pre-existing skin condition, or as a result of the process of grooming, de-matting, thinning, stripping or shaving or any incident caused by my non-disclosure of my dog’s medical condition or behaviour or as a result of a matted or neglected coat. 
In accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006, dogs with severely matted coats will be clipped off with the consent of the owner. It is not only painful for the dog but also against the law to subject them to brushing out a severely matted coat. 

Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment we reserve the right to cancel the appointment if running late will impact on subsquent clients booked that day. Cancelled appointments due to lateness may be charged, and pre-payment for future services will be requested where a client has been late for two or more previous appointments.
You will be advised by text message or phoned when it is time to collect your dog, please can you arrange for your dog to be collected within a 15 minute window of this time.
After each client, time is needed for cleaning/disinfecting the salon and equipment and to prepare for the arrival of the next dog. As we provide a one-to-one service, only one dog (or family of dogs) can be in the salon at a time therefore late arrival or collection means that we may have to contact the next client to delay their arrival.
Whilst we appreciate that clients may be late through no fault of their own, we also have a duty to our other clients who keep to their appointment times. We therefore reserve the right to add a late arrival/pick up fee at our discretion.

Doggie Dip & Clip keeps a record of all dogs and their treatments. Client data will be treated in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act and will not be shared with third parties.
Payment should be made on collection of your dog. We can accept payment by cash or bank transfer. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.


We request 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your dog's appointment.  We are a small business, please respect and understand that when you forget or cancel an appointment without adequate notice we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time resulting in financial loss.
To reschedule or cancel an appointment please call or text the salon on 07576176116













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